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  • Writer's pictureEvelyn Wilson

Evolving the Bond: Humans and Animals Over Time

The Michigan State University (MSU) Veterinary Medical Center created an exhibit titled "The Human-Animal Bond throughout Time" which focuses on how animals have affected human life over time.

The National Pet Owners Survey was conducted by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) and found that 68% of American households own a pet, which correlates to 84.6 million households. Over the past 15,000 years, humans and animals have interacted and the relationship has evolved immensely. "Animals provided protection and service to people; this could have been while hunting, farming, or performing other tasks necessary for day-to-day life. Dogs would track and herd. Cats usually lived outside, and would hunt and kill rodents that, otherwise, could spread disease and damage food or other materials."

This bond can be observed with emotional support, therapy, and service animals that provide comfort, offer security, and perform daily tasks to help their owners through life. The health benefits have made major impacts in the lives of many people and will likely continue in the future. With an increased emphasis on researching and learning more about animal welfare and health standards, optimizing these relationships between humans and livestock may be possible. "As scientists continue to gain more knowledge about the health benefits of the human-animal bond, that bond may continue to change."

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