Happy Tails is a pet therapy organization based in Tennessee where volunteer teams provide physical, social, emotional, and cognitive therapy to people of all ages through animal support. Cats, rabbits, show dogs, and shelter dogs are used by Happy Tails to provide the best type of therapy for each individual or group of people.
Their amazing website details some of the benefits that Happy Tails provides through its services and a few are listed below:
Physical Wellbeing Interaction with a trained animal companion can lower blood pressure, reduce physical pain, promote relaxation, and in some cases even reduce the need for pain medication. When used in conjunction with Physical Therapy, animals can provide a fun and motivational recovery.
Mental Health Animal-assisted therapy has been shown to help reduce anxiety, stress and alleviate depression. It also encourages communication and provides the motivation for a faster recovery -- the list goes on.
Reading Support READing Paws is a Happy Tails program that assists children who are struggling to read. Happy Tails pets provide a non-judgmental and unbiased audience while a child reads a book to them, relieving the student of stress and anxiety so they may practice without pressure.
Link to their website: https://www.happytailspets.org/
Link to support their program: https://www.happytailspets.org/donate